Maria Ntefidou

Dr. Maria Ntefidou

AG Kost

Department Biologie
Lehrstuhl für Zellbiologie (Prof. Dr. Kost)

Raum: Raum 00.356
Staudtstr. 5
91058 Erlangen




2007 – 2008 Postdoc Trainingsprogramm
UTHSC Medical School, Houston, TX, USA
2001 – 2005 Doktorarbeit: Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen der Photoperzeption von Euglena gracilis
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Donat-Peter Häder Lehrstuhl für Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen.
1988 – 1995 Studium der Biologie, Diplom
Universität Patras, Griechenland

Beruflicher Werdegang

seit 2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Zellbiologie
Department Biologie
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2010 – 2011 Research Scientist
UTHSC Medical School, Houston, TX, USA, Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Prof. Dr. John L. Spudich
2005 – 2010 Postdoc
UTHSC Medical School, Houston, TX, USA, Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Prof. Dr. John L. Spudich
1995 – 2001 Wissenschaftliche Assistentin
St. Vincentius-Kliniken, Karlsruhe, Dr. Nicodemo Weinstock



Education and Training

2007 – 2008 Postdoc trainee program
UTHSC Medical School, Houston, TX, USA
2001 – 2005 PhD training, thesis topic: Molecular biological investigations of the photoreceptor from Euglena gracilis
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Donat-Peter Häder, Ecophysiology Division, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Gemany
1988 – 1995 University education, diploma in Biology
University Patras, Greece

Professional Positions

since 2012 Senior Scientist
Cell Biology Division
Department of Biology
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
2010 – 2011 Research Scientist
UTHSC Medical School, Houston, TX, USA, Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Prof. Dr. John L. Spudich
2005 – 2010 Postdoc
UTHSC Medical School, Houston, TX, USA, Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Prof. Dr. John L. Spudich
1995 – 2001 Scientific Assistant
St. Vincentius Hospital, Karlsruhe, Germany, Dr. Nicodemo Weinstock


Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften

Beiträge bei Tagungen


Hou S.-Y., Govorunova E.G., Ntefidou M., Lane C.E., Spudich E.N., Sineshchekov O.A., and Spudich J.L. Diversity of Chlamydomonas Channelrhodopsins. Photochem. Photobiol. (2011)

Ntefidou M., Ludtke T., Ahmad M., and Haeder D.-P. Heterologous expression of photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) Genes from the Flagellate Euglena gracilis in insect Cells. Photochem Photobiol. 82 (6): 1601 – 1605 (2006)

Bergo V.B., Ntefidou M., Trivedi V.D., Amsden J.J., Kralj J.M., Rothschild K.J., and Spudich J.L. Conformational changes in the photocycle of Anabaena sensory rhodopsin: absence of the Schiff base counterion protonation signal. J Biol Chem. 281 (22): 15208 – 15214 (2006)

Weinstock N., Ntefidou M., the ISTH/SSC Fibrinogen Subcommittee, and the GTH Fibrinogen Working Party. International collaborative study to establish the first high fibrinogen plasma reference material for use with different fibrinogen assay techniques. J Thromb Haemost. 4 (8): 1825 – 1827 (2006)

Ntefidou M., and Haeder D.-P. Photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) genes in the flagellate Euglena gracilis mutant strains. Photochem Photobiol Sci. 4 (9): 732 – 739 (2005)

Ntefidou M., Iseki M., Watanabe M., Lebert M., and Haeder D-P. Photoactivated adenylyl cyclase controls phototaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Plant Physiol. 133(4): 1517 – 21 (2003)

Haeder D.-P., Lebert M., Richter P., and Ntefidou M. Gravitaxis and graviperception in flagellates. Adv Space Res. 31(10): 2181002 – 2186 (2003)

Richter P., Borning A, Streb C., Ntefidou M., Lebert M., and Haeder D.-P. Effects of increased salinity on gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 160(6): 651 – 656 (2003)

Ntefidou M., Elsner C., Spreer A., Weinstock N., Kratzin H., and Ruechel R. Blood coagulation in domestic deep-seated mycoses. Mycoses. 45 (Suppl. 1): 53 – 56 (2002)

Richter P., Ntefidou M., Streb C., Lebert M., and Haeder D.-P. Physiological characterization of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J Gravit Physiol. 9(1): 279 – 280 (2002)

Ntefidou M., and Manetas Y. Optical properties of hairs during the early stages of leaf development in Platanus orientalis. Aust J Plant Physiol. 23: 535 – 538 (1996)